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New Age Psychic Story

The New Age arrived in form of technology and the Internet. The door was opened and a new psychic world was born. I was there!

I will share some of my own experiences to help you understand how dreams play a role in your psychic development and in my case guiding me to my first online internet psychic company and my job. You could say I am one of the first internet phone line readers. It was a calling in my dream that woke me and I went to work for the first psychic line/Psychic Friends. I was already doing readings, tarot, fairs, events and teaching classes of all kinds in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I am a very active dreamer so its not uncommon for me to wake from a dream feeling like a spirit is with me. On this one night I woke from sleep knowing a spirit touched me and felt I should turn on the TV. I ran down the stairs, turned on the TV and sat on the floor in my PJ's. As the screen came alive with a show talking about psychic ability and readings I knew at that moment I belonged! I called the number. A reader answered and I said" "I am a reader and I know I must contact the office" she agreed and gave me the number. The following day I called and spoke with another person at the company office and once they knew my history of psychic fairs I was hired and soon on the job taking calls. It does not end here so keep reading.

My new job was fun and It was a natural fit. I was not worried if I could do the job but confident I was following destiny. Before long I received a call from the office telling me I had been monitored by their phone carrier AT&T and they were proud to send me a copy of the letter.

AT&T Found I had maintained a hard earned reputation by following all of the guidelines and was beyond reproach. Thank You From All Of Us Here.

WOW! We were the New Age everyone had been talking about for years! We had arrived and I was part of the arrival! This company picked me as one of ten readers selected to be in the internet magazine and there I was being advertised and busy in my new psychic internet career. This experience of following the rules opened the door for me to be accepted as a perfect fit for phone readings with other companies as years passed.

A spirit woke me from a dream many years ago and I knew to follow my intuition as I rushed down those stairs and turned on the TV.

Follow the signs and your dreams can come true.

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